Wow! What can I say? I'm such a humble little old beagle you know but it is nice to recognised. Bella and Bary said the award was for me and now Ruby is in a huff to end all huffs = my dad would say "that's women for you" but after all it's me who does all the hard work around here.
Our friends Bella and Barry have told you what we have to do once we've accepted this prestigious award and this is it:-
Here are the rules for this reward:
1. Thank the blogger that gave you the reward.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award onto 15 bloggers that you have recently discovered and think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you sent the award to, and let them know about the award.
So here we go....
1 – Thank You to our blog friends Bella and Barry
2 – Since I have 2 doggies here are 7 things about each of them…
1 He is an independant spirit
2 He loves a cuddle
3 He will eat anything left lying (mobiles, grapes used tissues)
4 He loves to run free but seldom gets the chance as his recall is almost non-existant
5 He was born 2 June 2007
6 He loves to sleep under the throw on his favourite sofa
7 His nick names are Oscy, Poscy,baby boy
1 She is definitely the boss
2 She loves everyone and insists on kissing them to prove it
3 She loves to bite Oscars legs, ears and anything else she can get hold of
4 She loves to run free and gets more chances than oscar as sh does usually come back
5 She was born November 2 2008
6 She loves to sit on your knee although she forgets shes almost too big to do that now
7 Her nick names are Ruby booby, rubes and baby girl
Here are my nominations for blogger award:-
1.Bobby @ kind hearts
2. Martha & Bailey
3. Cinnamon
4. Sapphire
5. River
6. Lorenza
7. Dughallmor Beagles
8. Lenni & Ressu
9. Two pities in the city
10.Therapy dog Josie
11. The 'sploring Wolfies
12. It's a dogs life by Kess
13. Beagle bitches
14. Xsara
and last but by no means least and to give encouragement
15. Susie
Thank you once again Bella & Barry xxx