Since starting my blog it has troubled me that I have written about my two beagles Oscar and Ruby but not about my first beagle, and indeed first ever dog, George.
Since I was 5 years old I'd always wanted a dog but circumstances meant that it wasn't possible, even when I got married and had children it really wasn't a practical idea in the house where we lived. So after a house move and when my hubbie finally caved in to my begging, we set about looking for a dog. I wasn't worried about which breed but Phil my hubbie had a fancy for a beagle and I was happy to agree.
Through the Kennel Club website we found a breeder and set off to meet a beautiful six week old beagle pup we named George. He was gorgeous and we fell in love there and then. Two weeks later we went to fetch George home and we were so thrilled to have a new member to our family.
Over the first few months George settled in no problem and we couldn't help loving him to bits. He was such a little character, the way he ragged his favourite soft toy, and raced about each day having his mad half hour and generally endearing himself to one and all. He loved his walks and loved to meet new dogs and humans alike.
The only down side was that George had a series of episodes where he seemed to be suffering from sore limbs and he would act as if his neck was stiff and walk like a very old dog. The vet advised steriod injections and these worked like a miracle cure, so much so that in a matter of hours George would be back to his normal self and be full of energy.
However, after suffering a further episode the vet suggested that it might be wise to check out George with the help of an x-ray to see if there were any visible neck problems that may be causing the problem.
An appointment was arranged and I dropped George off at the allotted time giving him a quick pat on the head and leaving him to have his x-ray. Two and a half hours later I received a phone call from the vet telling me that George had passed away under anesthetic. To say we were all devastated was an understatement. I felt as though my heart was smashed to smitherines, it felt so unfair, so wrong, after all he had only gone in for a routine x-ray. I so wanted to believe it wasn't true, alas it was true and we all cried and cried.
George we discovered later had a disease which affects about one beagle in a thousand each year called steriod responsive meningitis. He was a ticking time bomb and could have collapsed at any time. Some beagles out=grow this condition but sadly not our beautiful George.
George was only 8 months old - here are some photos of his short but we hope very happy life