I love my dogs, I really do but oh how embarrassing they can be!
I had a phone call from an old friend who I have kept in touch with but haven't actually seen for over four years. It was lovely to hear that she was going to visit on Monday afternoon. I knew we'd have lots to catch up on and that an afternoon of relaxing, girlie chat was on the cards, then you add in the beagles.......

On arrival my friend was of course given a huge welcome by Oscar and Ruby, lots of excited barking and licking and general excitement that a new human had come to see them. We had lunch and Oscar and Ruby gave us a wonderful display of play fighting - to the non-dog-owner this can appear quite surprising. After lunch I suggested we leave the table in the kitchen and go through to the comfy sofas in the living room, leaving Oscar and Ruby to have a nice sleep as they usually do at this time of day.
On exiting the kitchen, I took the cardigan and coat which my friend had hung on the back of her chair and hung them in the hall, just in case the dogs fancied snacking on a sleeve or two!?
I had expected to have to go back into the kitchen and settle the dogs after a few minutes but all was calm and quiet so I thought they had exhausted themselves with their fun fighting display. However, after 20 minutes or so I thought I should check on them as things were TOO quiet!
Oh dear!!!
On entering the kitchen I found that my friend had left her handbag hanging on the chair (I hadn't noticed this when I had removed her coat and cardi). Only it wasn't on the chair any longer, it was on the dog bed, with it's contents strewn across the kitchen floor!
Talk about embarrassing!?
My friend was really very understanding and laughed when she saw what had happened (bless her) I obviously don't know whether it was Ruby or Oscar or indeed both of them but I felt awful. They had completely destroyed a plastic biro pen, a bottle of menthol oil was broken in two and it's contents across the tiles (very strong menthol aroma still present in kitchen!)thankfully they hadn't attempted to eat her mobile but had chewed the corner of her leather purse. The remains of a female toiletry items half chewed was right in full view! and change from her purse had rolled everywhere.
Needless to say Oscar and Ruby got a strict telling off and knew they had done wrong. After clearing up the mess and profuse apologising from me, we once again went back to our chat........ low and behold we never had another peep out of Oscar and Ruby till tea time.
Added to my shopping list this weekend -
1 purse
1 bottle of menthol oil
1 pen
package and postage and yet another apology from the naughty doggies mam!